This project was done in collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore.
Intraoral Radiography teaching tool for Faculty of Dentistry students.
Faculty of Dentistry students are required to undergo sufficient training to be competent in basic procedures, one of which includes intraoral radiography. Intraoral radiography is the process of creating a digital impression (an x-ray) of the tooth's anatomy. Students are required to learn how to set up the tools (holder) used in intraoral radiography, as well as how to appropriately position the holder to obtain an accurate imaging of the required teeth.
As there is limited time in lectures to impart knowledge to students, and even more limited time during practical sessions to reinforce and correct their understanding of the concepts, there is a need for alternate solutions that can do so. Lecturers also find it difficult to assess students' theoretical understanding prior to them attending practical sessions. A poor understanding of basic concepts may further impact how much a student can learn during practicals if time is wasted reinforcing or re-teaching basic concepts instead.
Key Problem(s)
Dental students have expressed difficulty in bridging the gap between lectures and performing intraoral radiography procedures during practical sessions, often resulting in sessions that are not efficiently utilized. There is no known digital platforms that allow students to learn and refresh their understanding of the concepts taught during lectures as well.
The objective is to assess whether a newly developed learning tool can help students understand and reinforce concepts about intraoral radiography, while allowing tutors to monitor a student's completion of the required material prior to attending practical sessions.
iRadiate2D is an online tool designed to help novice learners reinforce theoretical concepts before proceeding to hands-on sessions. Students get to practice their understanding by first answering questions on holder assembly for x-rays of different teeth, followed by positioning of the tools to carry out an x-ray.
Deployment and Usage
iRadiate2D has been deployed for use by NUS Faculty of Dentistry students since October 2018. Public access was made available in 2020.
Students who used the learning tool have been observed to require less guidance and help on applying basic concepts during practical sessions. This allows for more time that tutors spend on students to refine their practical skills. iRadiate2D led to a branch off project, iRadiate3D.

Project Contact
Yen Ching-Chiuan
didyc at nus.edu.sg
Team Members
Eng Teng Chuan
Mandi Lee