Digital Flavor
Experiencing taste digitally without actual food.
Flavor is often a pleasurable sensory perception we experience daily while eating and drinking. However, the sensation of flavor is rarely considered in the age of digital communication mainly due to the unavailability of flavors as a digitally controllable media.
The aim of the project is to explore the possibility of digitally stimulating taste without the presence of actual food.
We introduce a digital instrument (Digital Flavor Synthesizing device), which actuates taste (electrical and thermal stimulation) and smell sensations (controlled scent emitting) together to simulate different flavors digitally.
Deployment and Usage
A preliminary user experiment has been conducted to study the effectiveness of this method with predefined five different flavor stimuli. Experimental results show that users were effectively able to identify different flavors such as minty, spicy, and lemony.
Publications and Press

Project Contact
Yen Ching-Chiuan
didyc at nus.edu.sg
Team Members
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
Gajan Suthokumar
Lee Kuan-Yi
Nimesha Ranasinghe