Blended Reality Summer School 2019
Keio-NUS CUTE Center will be hosting the inaugural Blended Reality Summer School from May 13 to 17, 2019 (Monday through Friday) at the National University of Singapore.
Mixed Reality maps real-world environments to overlay and interact with virtual objects, and we believe that this enables the implementation of novel interactions such as providing passive haptic feedback as natural wall borders or table surfaces for game physics. This form of "Mixed Reality" - we like to call "Blended Reality", inter-connects the digital and the physical by harnessing the knowledge of augmented and virtual reality, tangible user interfaces, radar sensing, computer vision, wearable computing, discreet computing and ubiquitous computing. This blend of technology allows us to explore and design discreet interactions which weave computing into the literal or figurative fabric of day to day life.
This summer school aims to demystify the concept of "Mixed Reality" by introducing a systematic, scientific and rigorous approach to tackling it. We blend and provide both theoretical underpinnings and practical use of the design methods, hardware (such as the Magic Leap and HTC Vive) and software as a means to understand how a blended reality can afford a new reality for interaction. We expect to theme this summer school closely around real-world physical interactions, in-order to maximize the opportunities for blended realities.
- Mapping brain MRI for neurosurgery from the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI)
- Tooth X-ray and extraction from Faculty of Dentistry
- Reimagining rehabilitation from Division of Design and AWWA
- Virtual car anatomy from Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)
The summer school will begin on May 13, 2019 (Monday) and end on May 17, 2019 (Friday). There will be a mix of lectures and hands-on work, with presentations and practical development sessions.
The summer school's program is as follows:
- May 13 (Mon): Introduction to Blended Reality, overview of themes and a hands-on session on prototyping
- 0900-0930: Registration
- 0930-1000: Welcome and Introduction to Summer School
- 1000-1130: Lecture on Blended Reality
- 1130-1230: Overview of Topic by domain experts
- 1230-1330: Lunch break, getting to know groups
- 1330-1430: Concept discussion with domain experts
- 1430-1630: Rapid protyping with paper, sensors & actuators and Unity
- 1630-1700: Brainstorming
- May 14 (Tue): Hands-on sessions on Unity, sensors and actuators, and, integration of Unity with physical and electronic elements
- 1000-1030: Housekeeping
- 1030-1230: Iterations
- 1230-1330: Lunch break
- 1330-1600: Brainstorming and development
- 1600-1700: Test with paper prototype
- May 15 (Wed): Project work, review and consultation with theme/domain experts
- 1000-1030: Experience sharing
- 1030-1630: Development & mid-point check in (what is done, obstacles, what is left)
- 1630-1730: Iteration with domain experts
- May 16 (Thu): Project work, review and iteration
- 1000-1030: Housekeeping
- 1030-1700: Development
- May 17 (Fri): Project work, future directions and public showcase
- 1000-1030: Housekeeping
- 1030-1500: Preparation for demonstration
- 1500-1600: Presentation (5 minutes per group)
- 1600-1730: Showcase
The summer school is open for all to apply to participate. Participants will be notified of their acceptance within one week of the application deadline. There are no tuition fees associated with the summer school.
We would like to thank the following organizations for making Blended Reality Summer School 2019 possible:


Yen Ching-Chiuan
Professor Yen has been invited as workshop leader and speaker in China, Japan, Korea, US, and Europe extensively.

Aaron Quigley
Professor Quigley has previously organised the Multimodal Systems for Digital Tourism summer school (2011), SICSA summer school on Big Data, Information Visualisation (2013) along with teaching at the UbiOulu summer school in 2012 on UbiComp and Big Data and presenting as an ACM Distinguished Speaker at the “Magic Leap Workshop” (Augmented Reality Summer School February 11th - 15th, 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand).

Pravar Jain
Pravar is a Research Associate at CUTE Center - National University of Singapore, where he builds and evaluates multi-sensory interactive media. Pravar has published his work at premier venues in the domain of human-computer interaction and been associated in the capacity of a volunteer with ACM SIGCHI and SIGMM.

Mandi Lee
Mandi has previously helped to organise UXSG 2016 and meetups related to design and VR/AR.
Important Dates
- April 20, 2019: [Deadline] Application to participate
- April 24, 2019: [Notification] Outcome of application to participate
- May 13-17, 2019: Summer School
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