
Areas of expertise within CUTE Center span across computer engineering, human-computer interaction, mixed and augmented reality, data mining, and several other fields including design and the social sciences. CUTE is an open-concept laboratory with staff from all over the world, crossing cultural and geographical borders. Come get to know the people making our projects a reality.


Yen Ching-Chiuan


Masa Inakage


Engineering Team

Teo Chor Guan

Senior Research Fellow

Affirudin Bin Kamarudin

Software Engineer

Hilal Fitri Bin Rohaidi

Software Engineer

Design Team

Sim Yong Jie

Industrial Designer

Lau Jo Hanan

Industrial Designer

Chng Choon Ern (Sean)

3D Artist

Grace Lim Yong Gee

3D Artist

Research Team

Mandi Lee

Design Researcher

Raymond Hon Sui Ming

PhD Student

Affiliated Faculty Members

Kelvin Foong Weng Chiong

Faculty of Dentistry

Fuh Yin Hsi, Jerry

Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Lu Wan Feng

Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Liang Yung Chii

Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Christian Boucharenc

School of Design and Environment
Department of Industrial Design

Chua Fook Kee

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Psychology

Annett Schirmer

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Psychology

Suresh Pillai

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Centre for Healthcare Simulation